Burrowing Owl
A long-legged and short-tailed bird common in North America, the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) is one of the tiniest owls of its kind. This creature achieved such a name from its nesting routine, which is mostly done in burrows that badgers and squirrels dug.
Recently, there are only lesser than 1,000 pairs of burrowing owls reported to exist in Canada, making them one of the most critically endangered creatures.
Piping Plover
The piping plover is a tiny migratory shorebird also known by its scientific name “Charadrius melodus.”
Sporting feathers with brown, grey, and white hues, this bird is sometimes hard to spot in specific areas. Its sand-like color serves as a perfect camouflage when nesting and feeding in coastal sand and gravel beaches. One peculiar trait that sets this shorebird apart from its fellow species is its high-pitched call.
Unfortunately, piping plovers are highly sensitive to human interference in their nesting places. Their abandoned eggs are currently being reared for preservation.
Barn Swallow
Around the globe, the barn swallow or “Hirundo rustica” ranks among the most prevalent swallow species. In Ontario and Nova Scotia, however, these birds are currently in threatened and endangered statuses, respectively. Compared to any other groups of birds native to North America, swallows, in general, have faced rapid declines at the moment.
Other fellow species, such as bank swallows, have also been identified recently as threatened in Ontario. The cliff and tree swallows, on the other hand, may not be at risk yet in the meantime, but these swallows must be rescued and conserved as well.