This section reveals some “Critically Endangered” species that require direct hands-on intervention. Conservation breeding, nesting ground protection, and reintroduction efforts are the vital steps that should be taken to save these creatures. All species outlined below are divided into their habitat regions.
Amphibians & Reptiles
Carolinian Region:
- Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander
- Blanchard’s Cricket Frog
- Blue Racer
- Eastern Massasauga
- Fowler’s Toad
- Northern Dusky Salamander
- Small-mouthed Salamander
Great Lakes – St. Lawrence:
- Blanding’s Turtle
- Jefferson Salamander
- Queensnake
- Spiny Softshell
- Spotted Turtle
Nova Scotia:
- Blanding’s Turtle
Atlantic Region:
- Piping Plover
Great Lakes – St. Lawrence:
- Loggerhead Shrike
Mountain-Pacific Coast, Prairies:
- Burrowing Owl
- Greater Sage-Grouse
- Spotted Owl
- Vesper Sparrow
- Northern Bobwhite
Atlantic Region:
- Maritime Ringlet
Great Lakes – St. Lawrence:
- Eastern Persius Duskywing
- Frosted Elfin
- Hungerford’s Crawling Water Beetle
- Karner Blue Butterfly
- Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle
- Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee
Mountain-Pacific Coast, Prairies:
- Island Marble
- Taylor’s Checkerspot
Mountain-Pacific Coast:
- American Badger
- Black-footed Ferret
- Ord’s Kangaroo Rat